Happy Thursday!
Needing to pay for class pictures with a debit or credit card? Scan the QR code to go to the Springdale online payment system for Sonora Elementary.
Watch live at 5:00pm the Springdale Public Schools School Board meeting.
click here for the agenda:https://www.sdale.org/page/school-board
Thursday April 29th will be class picture day!
Here are the Lexia Scholars for Monday & Tuesday of this week! Hoot, hoot!
Bus 85 WILL NOT be running this afternoon. Please make alternative arrangements for your students. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Parents, we need your help! Please fill out this survey to help Sonora Elementary complete the grant for our afterschool program. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf32lL5mxsWEB5IrAJ05ht_tWXoy6FdeQGGp13MB2UDpXWD8g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
Sonora Elementary is applying for the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant. This grant would enable Sonora Elementary to offer an after school program that would a snack and dinner to each student. It would offer tutoring, instruction in reading, math and STEM education. Students would participate in extracurricular activities like sports, music, art and dance. Students would also receive tutoring and study time.
Bus 85 WILL NOT be running this afternoon. Please make alternate arrangements for your student. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Join the family!
Daily they are #movingonup!
Celebrating those #movingonup!
Special shout out to Gavin who has completed all 21 levels & completed 5th grade Lexia curriculum!
PTA Penny Wars are this week at Sonora!
These students have completed all 21 levels in Lexia!
These students all moved to a new grade level in Lexia this week!
Friday April 9th is Spring Picture Day! Flyers came home yesterday.
Go Hogs!
Who else is reading over the break? Share your pictures with us!
How are you doing with your reading challenge? Be sure & share your pictures!