Participantes de la campaña de donación de sangre: el lunes es nuestra campaña de donación de sangre. Debería haber recibido un correo electrónico y/o un mensaje de texto confirmando la hora de su cita. De lo contrario, envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. Johnson a Si desea ahorrar algo de tiempo el día de donación, complete el pase rápido. Si los donantes completan el proceso Quickpass antes de la medianoche del Domingo, no funcionará al día siguiente. Los donantes deben asegurarse de imprimir los resultados si utilizan una computadora de escritorio o hacer una captura de pantalla de los resultados en un dispositivo móvil. Cuando le muestra esto a nuestro personal, puede ahorrarle 10 minutos o más en su proceso de donación.
8 months ago, Rosa Amador
Blood Drive participants: Monday is our blood drive. You should have received an email and/or text confirming your appointment time. If not, please email Mrs. Johnson at If you would like to save some time the day of the drive please fill out the quickpass. If donors complete the Quickpass process before midnight Sunday night, it won’t work the next day. Donors be sure and print the results if you use a desktop computer, or screenshot the results on a mobile device. When you show this to our staff, it can save 10 minutes or more on their donation process.
8 months ago, Rosa Amador
Save the Date! Don Tyson School of Innovation Enrollment opens March 1st at 10 am. #SpringdaleFamily
8 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
DTSOI Enrolment
DTSOI Enrolment
We have school Monday Feb. 19th Tenemos escuela Lunes 19 de Febrero
8 months ago, Rosa Amador
Several of our 5th grade Sonora Scholars were part of the AAO NWA Basketball League. This weekend these students won the championship! We are proud of our Scholars!
8 months ago, Regina Stewman
#SpringdaleFamily are you interested in attending Don Tyson School of Innovation? Please come to an important informational meeting on Thursday, Feb. 15, at 6 pm. Don Tyson School of Innovation Enrollment opens March 1st at 10 am.
8 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
DTSOI Enrolment
DTSOI Enrolment
Picture day forms will be going home today, pre-order link; Formas para ordenar fotos van a casa el día de hoy, Pre-ordenes para el día de fotos:
8 months ago, Rosa Amador
#SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Monday, February 12 2024, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día Lunes 12 de Febrero de 2024, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día AMI (enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto). Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Kon inclement weather ilo, February 12, 2024, aelop Springdale Public School enaj koman raan in AMI (remote teaching im learning) day. Kon men in enaj kilok aelop
8 months ago, Springdale School District
English AMI
Spanish AMI
Spanish AMI
Parents and Guardians Springdale Schools now have the option to pivot to AMI (Remote Learning) days when inclement weather occurs during this school year. Please pay close attention to your child’s school’s communications platforms for updates in the event of inclement weather. #SpringdaleFamily Padres y tutores Las escuelas de Springdale ahora tienen la opción de cambiar a los días de AMI (aprendizaje a distancia) cuando se produce mal tiempo durante este año escolar. Por favor, preste mucha atención a las plataformas de comunicación de la escuela de su hijo para obtener actualizaciones en caso de inclemencias del tiempo. Jikuul ko ilo Springdale kio ewor aer jokelet nan AMI (Bok katak ko jen kabijuknen ak moko imweer) elane enaaj nana lañ ilo jikuul iio in. Jouj im kab lukkun lale wot enaan jen jikuul ko ilo ien ko enaaj nana lañ.
9 months ago, Springdale School District
Oz-Some Scholar Award 2.9.24 Nominated by Mrs. Reed Ms. Angie "Mrs. Angie came and helped me get all of my math tubs together for my extra student. She also helped me get some more manipulatives put together for each table. I truly appreciate her willingness to always help. Thank you Mrs. Angie!"
9 months ago, Regina Stewman
Oz-Some Scholar Award 2.9.24 Mrs. Sandy "She is the most kind and caring teacher."
9 months ago, Regina Stewman
Oz-Some Scholar 2.9.24 Mrs. Arroyos Nominated by Dr. Stewman "Mrs. Arroyos used her talents and skills to organize 1st grade tutoring groups with aligned materials and resources for early out Wednesdays. Thank you for helping us serve our students efficiently and at the highest levels!"
9 months ago, Regina Stewman
Oz-Some Scholar Award 2.7.24 Mrs. Coffman Nominated by her grateful third grade team "Mrs. Coffman assessed, planned, and prepared resources for our ELD time so that all of our students' needs are met. She had a passion and put that passion into action! Thanks for making sure our instruction was equitable!"
9 months ago, Regina Stewman
Oz-Some Scholar Award 2.7.24 Mrs. Sandy Nominated by her grateful third grade team "Mrs. Sandy is a constant source of knowledge and ideas for our 3rd grade team. This week, she was featured, with her oz-ome class, doing a morning meeting. It was magical and gave us a peak into some elements that we could add to our own morning meeting. We are so proud of her and are grateful she is on our team!"
9 months ago, Regina Stewman
We are almost there!!! We can reach our goal!! Please share the link with family and friends. 🦉 ¡¡¡Estamos casi alli!!! ¡¡Podemos lograr la meta!! Comparta el enlace con familiares y amigos.
9 months ago, Rosa Amador
Girls on the run at Sonora Elementary!! Register now at ¡¡Niñas corriendo en la Primaria Sonora!! Regístrese ahora en
9 months ago, Rosa Amador
Don't forget the deadline to order yearbooks is March 8th. Order forms are in the office. We take cash, checks or you can pay online. Code: 83949W No olvide que la fecha límite para ordenar anuarios es el 8 de Marzo. Los formularios de pedido están en la oficina. Aceptamos efectivo, cheques o puede pagar en línea. Código: 83949W
9 months ago, Rosa Amador
Oz-Some Scholar Award 1.30.24 Mrs. Arroyos, Mrs. Kirk, Ms. Abby Nominated by Kindergarten Team "Huge thank you to Mrs. Kirk, Ms. Arroyos, and Ms. Abby for helping the kindergarten team get our students ready for the 101st day of school!"
9 months ago, Regina Stewman
Oz-Some Scholar Award 1.30.24 Mrs. Foltz, Mrs. Gauna, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Arroyos, Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Shafer, Mr. Brady, Ms. Abby Nominated by First GradeTeam "First Grade is so very grateful for your work in putting together all of our “tiny treasures” into our counting collection tubs, labeling and organizing all of them for our classrooms! We can’t imagine getting to begin this new skill with our students without your work and dedication to our students. We are excited and so are our students!"
9 months ago, Regina Stewman
Oz-Some Scholar Award 1.25.24 Mrs. Johnson and Class Nominated by the First Grade Team "Thank you for showing our school such kindness in providing the staff with goodies from the 'kindness cart'. How nice it was to see the smiling faces that delivered the goodies, too. What a nice thought; you made our day!"
9 months ago, Regina Stewman