Free All Day and After School Childcare for Essential Workers while funds last. Please click the link below to learn more.
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Transportation Information
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Please join Kevin Conkin, Co-Director of Transportation, about Bus and Transportation Back to School information. Topics include: -Routes & Times -Disinfecting Busses -Expectations for Bus Riders and more
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Here is the newest edition of The Scholarly Beat! (La traducción al español está disponible en el lado derecho del boletín.)
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Please see the graphic for information about our Virtual Open House. See you soon!
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Information from our Special Education Department:
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Please join Dr. Tara Harshaw, Director of Special Education for Springdale regarding the 2020-2021 School Year for Special Education Families. In English, Spanish and Marshallese
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Parents and Guardians we need your help. There is a new system at Springdale Public schools to update your student information. This is very important for Nurse Christy as it contains all the health information that she needs to ensure all of our students are taken care of. Please follow the attached link and click the red update button to get started.
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Update Enrollment
Updated Scholarly Beat
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Join us tomorrow for a “Mask” querade!
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
With all the questions and concerns about the fall, we have forgotten to celebrate the good! Let's do that!
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
School Fall '21
Happy reading! Here is the link to continue logging your minutes read:
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Summer Reading Minutes
Did you know?
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Did you know?
Padres, por favor llenen este formulario para informarnos si su familia comenzará el año escolar en el sitio o mezclado. Recuerde, si elige hacer virtual, regístrese en la página web de DTSOI.
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Parents, please fill out this form to let us know if your family will begin the school year on-site or blended. Remember, if you choose to do virtual please sign up on the DTSOI webpage.
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
The Scholarly Beat 7/16/20
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
El boletín tiene una función de traducción. Cuando abra el boletín, haga clic en traducir boletín (resaltado en amarillo). Puedes elegir el idioma que deseas traducir para que lo leas. ¡Disfrutar!
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Translation Option
It's complete! Here is the first official Scholarly Beat, a Sonora Elementary School Newsletter. New information and plans come forward daily. We will inform you of new updates as we hear.
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Sonora's Newsletter
Families, I know there are many questions about school re-opening. I am currently working on a document to provide information. I hope to get it out within the week. Fell free to message on our Facebook Page: Sonora Elementary. Miss seeing your smiling faces! Dr. Stewman
over 4 years ago, Sonora Elementary
Coming soon!